Outreach activities

What are the questions of PRORISK?
- How can we advance the protection of ecosystems against the effects of hazardous and toxic chemicals?
- What novel approaches, tools, and knowledge should be integrated to assure that chemicals are properly assessed and managed?
- How to assure that impacts on ecosystem services are minimized?
These are important issues of global societal and environmental relevancy (in parallel to other global threats such as climate change), and in PRORISK we try to address them by developing novel concepts, approaches, and tools to advance processes in the Environmental Risk Assessment of Chemicals.

How are the PRORISK messages disseminated?
We communicate our mission and outcomes through:
- Project website and bi-annual newsletters distributed by emails – to all audiences
- Open access scientific publications or special issues, contributions to scientific conferences or special sessions - for scientists and experts
- Intersectoral and policy exchange meetings – with partners from industry and regulators
- Outreach and popularization activities - to non-specialized audiences

What are the main outreach activities and examples?
- Twitter (https://twitter.com/PRORISK_H2020)
- LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/prorisk-h2020/)
- Infographics on PRORISK topics and research
- Published publications of Early Stage Researchers
- Strategic and framework papers from PRORISK:
- Short videos
- Face-to-face outreach - high school visits
- Science popularization events