Mapping of toxicological capacities in Europe
This survey is run by the European PARC – Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals – within the WP9 „Building infrastructural and human capacities.“
More background information:
What are the benefits for you as a participant?
- Your expert opinions will shape future agenda and funding of toxicological and ecotoxicological research in Europe.
- Your needs and requirements will be reflected in designing and building (eco)toxicological research infrastructures.
- Your profile and interests will be capture on the European map of (eco)toxicological capacities.
- You will have full access to the outcomes such as searchable catalogue of (eco)toxicology research in Europe.
The scope and focus of the questionnaire?
- Focus is on mapping of capacities for toxicological and ecotoxicological RESEARCH, assessment of hazards, i.e. interactions of small chemicals with biological systems. Other aspects such as chemical exposures, regulatory risks assessment, commercial testing services or similar are not relevant for the current purpose.
- We map CAPACITIES in terms of (i) scientific expertise, (ii) research focus, facilities, tools, methods, (iii) eco/toxicological research data, (iv) capacities for training and education, and (v) quantitative dimension, i.e. throughput (size, number or researchers).