Research projects

Over the last ten years, RECETOX has successfully managed to increase the share of external funding from national and international sources. RECETOX exploits synergies among the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF), the European Research and Innovation Framework Programs (FP7, H2020, and HE), national research projects, and other research and innovation programs, including international and intergovernmental funding institutions (e.g., United Nations, WHO). External resources enable us to fund our research and implement our research strategy.

Projects in 2023

              • 26 European projects (Horizon Europe, COST), 5 new ones,
              • 17 national research projects (e.g., GAČR, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Environment)
              • 3 application projects (TAČR)
              • 2 projects of large research infrastructures,
              • 7 projects financed by Ministry of Education, Youth and sports
              • and numerous international contracts (OSN, WHO) and contract research projects.

Selected international projects

All projects

Total number of projects: 73

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