prof. Bryan Brooks
ISAB Chair
Environmental Sciences, Baylor University
The International Scientific Advisory Board is appointed by the Director to serve as an external advisory and review body of the Director to help support the strategic development and quality improvement of the educational and research activities of the Centre. Members of the International Scientific Advisory Board are chosen from among internationally recognised experts whose specializations cover the research areas of the Centre.
The International Scientific Advisory Board follows the development of the Centre and the quality of its outputs in the long term and regularly discusses the annual reports on the activities of the Centre and the annual strategic plans presented by the Director. Members of the International Scientific Advisory Board also serve as ambassadors of the Centre, promoting its marketing, helping to advance its reputation, and fostering international partnerships.
The International Scientific Advisory Board conducts a detailed on-site evaluation of the Centre, its subdivisions and the individual research groups a minimum of once every four years.
ISAB Chair
Environmental Sciences, Baylor University
ISAB Vice-chair
Canada Research Chair in Environmental Toxicology
Profesor - Professor - Spectroscopy and Catalysis
Chair: Spectroscopy and Catalysis
Radboud University (NL)
Professor of Biochemistry
Director Inserm unit 1124, University of Paris
Head of metabolomic biochemistry laboratory, Necker Enfants malades Hospital, Paris